Lux at a Glance – Grand Dutchy of Luxembourg

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Luxembourg – “In the heart of Europe”.

Contributed by Jens Hoffmann.

Luxembourg is located in the heart of Europe which makes it very easy to get to.

The lovely, small country is linked to the neighbouring countries by a first-class road network, numerous flights are landing at the International Airport located only 10 minutes from the center of Luxembourg City.

As the capital of the country, Luxembourg City offers a rich cultural life.

The Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM) in a building of the world famous architect Ieoh Ming Pei (who designed the pyramid next to the Louvre in Paris) is a fantastic experience.


The Philharmonie concert hall turned the capital to a cultural hotspot.


Let’s say truly a charming and cosmopolitan city with a bustling nightlife and amazing events.

Especially when the sun comes out, streets around the Grand-Ducal Palace are packed with locals enjoying a glass of wine, lovely cremant or beer.

It is fun to just sit down and listen to the melody of the different languages spoken around you, watch people from all over the world, of every age and every culture.


They all meet in Luxembourg and enjoy the beautiful country full of contrasts.

Moving on to Luxembourg’s wineland that produces outstanding white wines and not to mention a region marked by its glorious industrial past.

Perfect couple with the cremant.

A small country, but yet so different from other European countries.


Some people think that french is the official language, which is only partly true because Luxembourg has three official languages. Luxembourgish, yes this is a language, French and German being administrative languages.

Besides, you will get along easily with English as it is widely spoken. Nevertheless, depending on where you are in the country, one or the other language may be more commonly used.


People thnk that this place is expensive.
No, not at all.
Luxembourg Card is an excellent way to travel on a budget. For only 68€, up to 5 people can travel for 3 days on all busses and trains throughout the country and visit more than 70 museums and attractions.

If you want to take the bus from/to the airport,the transfer is included.


On top of this, numerous festivals, concerts or other great events are completely free.

Besides the different activities, people often think that eating out in Luxembourg is expensive, it is true you will find lots of good star cuisine offers but they are lovely places with reasonable prices, excellent quality and fantastic food.


In some ways the luxemburgish melting pot has changed a little the image of traditions which made it special, but you will still find them.


Our trip brought us furthermore to the Ardennes region, a number of beautiful castles, such as Vianden and Clerveaux.



Perfect to play golf or to taste wine and cremant.


I like it and will be back soon.

For further information: Visit Luxembourg

Check in:

Park Inn Luxembourg City Park Inn Luxembourg

Hotel Du Golf De Clerveaux Hotel du Golf de Clervaux

The press trip was sponsored by Visit Luxembourg.

Living in style.